• Updating the code of the WebGL Beginner’s Guide!

    Hi there! I just wanted to write a short note to let you know that I am reviewing the code examples of the WebGL Beginnner’s guide. The specification has evolved since I write the book and so has the implementation in the different browsers. I have noticed that some examples present WebGL warnings and a

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  • Tutorial: How to run local webgl apps with Chrome

    If you are developing your webgl app locally using Chrome you probably have run into the problem where geometry cannot be loaded in the background using AJAX ($.get() anyone?) The reason for this is that Chrome is rather restrictive about loading resources when you work under the file:// protocol. Usually this is not a...

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  • Tutorial: How to visualize medical surfaces (VTK)

    In this tutorial you will learn how to visualize medical surfaces using Voxelent. Many medical applications involve 3D visualization of patient data to assist physicians in performing diagnosis, pre-operative planning, or even training. Recent advances in both hardware and software technologies opens new possibilities...

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  • WebGL Beginner’s Guide is published!

    The WebGL Beginner’s guide, the book that I have been working on for the last year is now published! I would like to thank to all the people who were involved in this project, starting with Brandon Jones

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